May 14, 2023

Why Are Explainer Videos Effective and What Types Are There

With how fast-paced our world is today, businesses are given mere seconds to capture their audience's attention. If they fail, that individual will move on to something else. This, of course, might be a sign that humanity's attention span might be worsening due to the bombardment of today's entertainment and so on. But of course, businesses have to adapt to this change or face failure.
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Explainer Fly

With how fast-paced our world is today, businesses are given mere seconds to capture their audience's attention. If they fail, that individual will move on to something else. This, of course, might be a sign that humanity's attention span might be worsening due to the bombardment of today's entertainment and so on. But of course, businesses have to adapt to this change or face failure.

So, how do you capture your audience's attention quickly? One incredibly effective way to do this is through animated explainer videos:

What Are Explainer Videos?

Explainer videos are short, engaging videos that explain a product or service in an easy-to-understand way. They're often used by companies to explain their products or services in a concise, visual way, and they're becoming a popular way to market products and services. But why do explainer videos work so well?

Why Are Explainer Videos So Effective?

There are so many reasons explainer videos have been so effective at what they do, and here are just a few of them:

1. They are Easy to Understand

Explainer videos are designed to explain complex topics in simple, easy-to-understand language. This makes them ideal for businesses that want to quickly and efficiently communicate their message to potential customers. They also help to explain complex concepts in a way that can be understood by a wide range of audiences.

2. They are Engaging

Explainer videos are designed to be engaging and entertaining. They often feature bright, colorful visuals, catchy music, and engaging narration. This makes them a powerful tool for grabbing the attention of viewers and keeping them interested in the message the video is trying to convey.

3. They are Versatile

Explainer videos can be used in a variety of ways. They can be used to explain a product or service, highlight a new feature, or even tell a story. This makes them an incredibly versatile marketing tool that can be used to promote any type of business.

4. They are Cost-Effective

Explainer videos are relatively inexpensive to produce, especially when compared to other forms of advertising. This makes them an attractive option for businesses on a budget. Furthermore, the cost of producing an explainer video can often be offset by the increased interest and sales it can generate.

What Types of Explainer Videos Are There?

There are many types of explainer videos that businesses use, and here are some of the most common ones:

1. Animated Explainer Videos

Animated explainer videos are one of the most popular types of explainer videos. They use a combination of animation, voice-over, and music to bring a story to life and make complex concepts easier to understand. Animated explainer videos are great for helping people visualise complex concepts and make long product demos more engaging.

2. Live Action Explainer Videos

Live-action explainer videos are videos that feature real people and environments. These videos are great for showcasing the human element of your product or service and can be used to create an emotional connection with viewers. They're also great for highlighting customer stories and real-life uses of your product.

3. Screencast Explainer Videos

Screencast explainer videos are videos that demonstrate how to use a product or service. They are often used to show viewers how to navigate a website, use a mobile app, or complete a specific task. They're great for onboarding new users or giving customers a quick refresher on how to use a product.

4. Whiteboard Explainer Videos

Whiteboard explainer videos use an illustration to tell a story. The visuals are often hand-drawn in a whiteboard style and are accompanied by voice-over or music. Whiteboard explainer videos are great for helping people digest difficult processes and are often used to explain complicated topics in a simple way.


As you can see, explainer videos are great at helping capture the audience's attention, and there are many types to choose from to meet your needs. Either way, having explainer videos are vital, so if you have to use them, get started right away! Work with professionals to ensure you get the best videos possible to attract the audience you want to help your business achieve success.

Explainerfly offers high-quality animated explainer videos to help businesses boost web conversions, get more leads, and showcase themselves in one minute. If you are looking for business animation videos, reach out to us today!

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